Saturday, May 26, 2007


Blood Orange SanguinelloI drove down to Cold Storage to get my dairy supplies this morning as my usual supermarket in suburbia does not carry upmarket dairy products. While browsing the fresh section, I found blood oranges from Sicily, Italy.
The blood orange is a variety of orange with crimson, blood-colored flesh.The fruit is smaller than an average orange; its skin is usually pitted but can be smooth. The distinctive dark flesh color is due to the presence of anthocyanin, a pigment common to many flowers and fruit, but uncommon in citrus fruits. Sometimes there is dark coloring on the exterior of the rind as well depending on the variety of blood orange. The reason for the unusual internal color is related to light, temperature and variety.
There are three types of blood oranges, the Tarocco (native to Italy), the Sanguinello (native to Spain), and the Moro, which is the newest variety of the three.
Blood oranges contain about 130 percent of the recommended amounts of Vitamin C and diminish the risk of heart disease. As the fruit's health-benefiting properties became known, Sicily has been shipping oranges around the world. Today, Sicilian citrus is found in virtually every country that permits imports, including the United States.
What I bought today were Sanguinellos. The Sanguinello (San-gweee-neh-looo), discovered in Spain in 1929, has a reddish skin, few seeds, and a sweet and tender flesh. Sanguinello, the Sicilian late "full-blood" orange, is close in characteristics to the Moro. It matures in February, but can remain on trees unharvested until April. Fruit can last until the end of May. The peel is compact, clear yellow with a red tinge. The flesh is orange with multiple blood-colored streaks.
I've eaten two already today and Lilik had the one that I skinned rind off the orange for my cheesecake. They were yum!!!!

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