Wednesday, July 08, 2009

An Impromptu Education On A Snake

I find impromptu education sessions fun and it also goes some ways to saving the lives of innocent snakes.
Two days ago, a whip snake was found dead on the edge of the nature reserve. Today, while walking in a different area of the reserve, a couple hailed me to ask me if I would be interested in photographing a snake. Whilst walking to where the snake was, I struck up a conversation that allowed me to gather information on the type of snake.
By the time we got there I knew that the snake was an Oriental Whip Snake. As we stood near the sluggish snake. I explained that it was harmless, and will go on its way when it warmed up enough. This was a lucky snake as the couple respected nature and did not harm it. Out of courtesy, I took a photograph of the snake just as a show of appreciation to the couple.

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