Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I Shot a Tree Frog

This four-lined tree frog was minding its own business in my garden when Lilik spotted it. She is now my trained spotter for wild animals that make my garden their home or food larder. We know the tree frogs are around as they croak every evening but they are hard to find amongst the heliconia. They have been using my water lily pots and ponds as their hatcheries. Sometimes we find the egg mass high on the wall above the pots.
This poor little frog became my subject for today's evening photography session. It must have been blinded by my flash as it went off over and over again. It only leaped away when I tried to get it to change its position so that I could get a different angle.
About the Frog
This frog is a common yet charming species of the secondary forests, scrub land, parks and gardens. Its repetitive monosyllabic call is an instantly recognisable sound in much of rural Southeast Asia. Most commonly encountered a few feet from the ground clinging to small stems, it may also be found in puddles on wet ground.
Its colour varies from green-grey to a less common ruddy-brown; the four lines on its back may be absent in some populations. Its eggs are laid next to ponds in a foamy mass glued to overhanging vegetation. Once hatched, the young tadpoles fall into the water below to start a new life.

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