Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Sambal Tapioca Leaves

tapioca leavesLilik had seen her friends with harvested tapioca leaves while walking the doggie in the evenings and asked me where were the tapioca grew around the area.tamarind fruit
She discovered tamarind trees growing in the car park area leading to the tree top walk. I finally found them this morning while on my morning walk with camera in toll.
I showed her where this afternoon and we harvested wild tapioca leaves today from the edge of the secondary forest that rim the Pierce Resevoir catchment area. sambal tapioca leaves
She decided to cook a dish her mum would prepare for her when she goes home for her vacation. So I had sambal tapioca leaves for the first time ever. Laugh if you must but I didn't know that tapioca leaves could be eaten. Did I like it? Takes a little getting use to but not too bad. Style of cooking is quite similar to sambal sweet potato leaves.

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